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例证说明:永恒的美-Eternal Beauty,例证说明:永恒的美-Eternal B
更新时间:2024-04-23 19:08:10

例证说明:永恒的美-trnal Bauty 英语作文网收集整理 永恒的美

例证说明:永恒的美-Eternal Beauty,例证说明:永恒的美-Eternal B




trnal Bauty

Whn you gt to a scnic spot and s th blu sky, th grn mountain and clar watr, mayb you will say this is bauty. Whn you rad a frsh pom, gracful pros① or a wondrful articl, prhaps you will sag that is bauty…. Bauty xists vrywhr and vryon liks bauty. This story is about bauty of anothr kind----that of an ordinary woman, Yao Xinxin.

Onc, my grandmothr was on a bus. Suddnly sh flt sick and wantd to throw up②, but sh was afraid to mak th bus dirty. Th momnt Ms Yao saw this, sh handd hr own clan mug③ to my grandma and said,“Don't worry, granny. You can us this mug. ”Grandma was vry gratful, but sh was so wak that sh suddnly fll down in a faint④.Without dlay Ms Yao askd th drivr to driv th bus ovr to a hospital narby. Aftr an xamination, th doctor told Ms Yao that my grandma must stay in hospital for a day or two. Ms Yao paid th f⑤ for my grandma and sat by th bd for a day.

In th mantim⑥, my family wr sarching vrywhr for Grandma. How w wishd w could s dar Grandma again. Just whn w wr much worrid, th nxt day Grandma appard bfor us supportd by a strangr. As you can guss, it was Ms Yao. W wr wondring about this whn Grandma said,“Without th kind conductor, I might not hav bn abl to s you any mor.” W thankd Ms Yao again and again, tars in our ys.



①gracful['grisful] pros[pr uz] 优美的散文

②throw up 呕吐

③mug[m)g] n.大杯

④faint[fint] n.昏厥 fall(down) in a faint昏倒

⑤f[fi:] n.费

⑥mantim['mi:ntaim] n.其间


本文引言段使用的是隐含篇题(implid thsis),即作者没有把篇题说出来,而是让读者自己通过阅读全文去归纳:这是一种心灵的美和人品的美。这一点我们可以通过作者使用的例证(illustration),即感人肺腑的真实故事体会出来。此外,作者在叙述文中的人物时也是用的含蓄手法:开始我们只知道好心人名叫Yao Yinxin,并不知道她是干什么的,直到最后才通过 Grandma 的话道出来,这就造成了一种人物身分的悬念,发人深省。

例证说明:永恒的美-trnal Bauty 英语作文网收集整理

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